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USC Children's Law Center The whaley house
This project focused on the historical renovation of The Whaley House in Columbia, SC. The house was built in 1983 and used as a family residence. In 1924, the house was purchased and used as a funeral home until 2008. The previous occupancy history along with the historical precedent of The Whaley House fits the concepty of Evolution, which is the process of gradual and progressive change or development. The design of The Whaley House is evolutionized with the renovations and selection of materials and furniture pieces. The development of The Whaley House has evolved into an environment where lawyers may now take on a role working towards the progression and betterment of the lives of children.


Sephora Retail Design
Sephora is recognized as one of the most pretentious retail beauty stores in the cosmetic industry with a variety of brands available for the differentiation of clientele. The concept is to ignite an interactive experience for the client and for the client to engage in the trial of products and color experience. To ignite something means to ‘set on fire,’ projecting a flame. the Sephora experience begins with the form and structure of the floor plan portraying a flame with more intimate space planning for the customer and the idea of engaging the customer is implemented in all aspects of the design. With a more interactive and intimate environment, the store offers customers more product knowledge and the ability for product trial
La Dulce Vita

La Dulce Vita is a cafe located inside an internationally culutural church in Boston.  The focus for the design was to have a centerally located space for church members to gather with small groups or meetings after church sermons or throughout the weekdays.  It serves as a meeting place for all and a place to grab a snack or coffee before or after church sermons.

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